About Us

At the tender age of 11, he scribbled his first story on a king and his kingdom. The kingdom that he demolished, the king whom he murdered minutes after writing about them –the childish sentence constructions being the reason for this untimely destruction and the death. He was, nonetheless never able to give up writing due to his love for the pen and the blank paper. Thus, a hidden venture was initiated, the inspiration of which came from his uncle. Let’s call this guy ‘Paragraph’. Just like Paragraph, Shutter had his tryst with photography in class XI when he voluntarily took the responsibility of clicking photographs of a wedding ceremony. Unfortunately, his Hotshot produced unusually cold photographs allowing the objects to go out of frame at their own discretion. Some had twisted figures while others had their heads and limbs chopped off in-artistically. Needless to say, he was very much answerable for this ‘terrific’ work. Distressed and crossed, Shutter decided to click photos of stray dogs, roadside animals and of nature – to whom, no matter what would happen, he would not be answerable!

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